On behalf of CIM, I would like to invite you to participate in the forthcoming CIM-MPE events being organized as part of the year-long, global celebration - Mathematics of Planet Earth 2013 (MPE-2013). These events are enthusiastically supported by many Portuguese institutions, including: SPM; SPE; APDIO; CEMAPRE; CEAUL; CMA-UNL; CMAF-UL; CMUP; INESC- TEC; ISR; IT; UECE; Fernando Santos Sucessores Lda; FCUL; ISEG; Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation and Ciência Viva.

- 92nd European Study Group with Industry 2012
- Ist Portuguese Meeting on Mathematics for Industry

By the occasion of the Iberian Meeting on Numerical Semigroups -- Vila Real 2012, that held at the UTAD, from the 18th to the 20th of July, we posed some questions to the members of the Scientific Committee. These are Valentina Barucci, from the Università di Roma La Sapienza; José Carlos Rosales, from the Universidad de Granada; Ralf Fröberg, from the Stockholms Universitet; and Scott Chapman, from the Sam Houston State University.

If we obtain a tail dependence coefficient of the common distribution of the vectors in a multivariate stationary sequence then we do not have necessarily the correspondent coefficient of the limiting multivariate extreme value model. In opposition to sequences of independent and identically distributed random vectors, the local clustering of extremes allowed by stationarity can increase or decrease the tail dependence.
The temporal dependence at extreme levels can be summarized by the function multivariate extremal
index and its effect in the tail dependence is well illustrated with Multivariate Maxima of Moving Maxima processes.

notable elements and first problems

We explore uniform hyperbolicity and its relation with the pseudo orbit tracing property.